Alcoholics And NomNoms.Com

I left my corporate job on 7/21/17 in order to help showcase Nature for Mother Nature fans online. I did not arrive easily at this decision since my corporate job paid extremely well and included amazing benefits. Alas, the one benefit I was not easily allowed was the time to immediately pursue any and all wild events happening any and all moments of every day throughout the world. I know it would have helped me greatly to see more Nature during the work week, so that is what I’ve set out to bring to you.

Thank you so much for helping us get the word out! It is 2 a.m. on Saturday, 12/11/21 right now. It is coming up on five years since leaving my corporate gig. Although I have in fact brought a wealth of nature to light via YouTube and other mediums, the opportunities for income have been on the decline due to so many era specific challenges. COVID has put a huge obstacle in the way of anyone in favor of the environment. I invite you to consider helping out with Money For A Haircut by sharing The Jeep Journals on your own social media page. Peace, love, and all that old school stuff!

Rey :)